39th International Nasreddin Hodja Caricature Competition 2019 – Results
The Jury of 39th International Nasreddin Hoca Caricature Competition comprised of VALENTIN DRUZHININ, JERZY GLUSZEK, ÖZNUR KALENDER, AHMET ÖZTÜRKLEVENT, METİN PEKER, PEDRO SILVA, İBRAHİM TUNCAY and ŞEVKET YALAZ have met on August 4, 2019 on 10.00 am. The Jury, presided by VALENTIN DRUZHININ has evaluated 1747 artworks drawn by 810 caricaturists from 76 countries. Jury members have chosen 22 finalists on the basis of majority system and with an evaluation process of 6 rounds. Finalists have established by the Jury members on the basis of secret voting system. The points given by the Jury members for the final evaluation have been calculated by the Jury members AHMET ÖZTÜRKLEVENT and JERZY GLUSZEK. The awarded caricatures at the 39th International Nasreddin Hoca Caricature Competition were chosen by such a method. The Official Report of the 39th International Nasreddin Hoca Caricature Competition has been undersigned and registered by the Jury members.
Grand Prize
Galym Boranbayev – Kazakhstan
Honour Prize
Grzegorz Szumowskı – Poland
Honour Prize
Lubomir Mihailov – Bulgaria
Honour Prize
Borislav Stankovic – Serbia
Honour Prize
Toso Borkovic – Serbia
Honour Prize
Special Prize of The Turhan Selçuk
Mojmir Mihatov – Croatia
Special Prize of The Semih Balcıoğlu
Kambiz Derambakhsh – Iran
Special Prize of The Ferit Öngören

Special Prize of The Association of Caricaturists

Special Prize of Akşehir Municipality and Nasreddin Hodja

Special Prize of the Jury

Special Prize of Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Special Prize of The Koç Holding

Special Prize of The Association of Journalists’ of Turkey

Special Prize of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality

Special Prize of Beşiktaş Municipality
Special Prize of Şişli Municipality
Bobo Pernecky – Slovakia
Special Prize of Kadıköy Municipality
Ronaldo Cunha Dias – Brazil
Special Prize of FOX TV
Silvano Mello – Brazil
Special Prize of Çankaya Municipality
Ömer Çam – Turkey