Türkiye’yi sarsan felakette uluslararası karikatür sanatçıları duygularını paylaşıyorlar.

Ba Bilig – Çin

Cival Einstein – Brezilya

Yu Shixin – Çin

Sun XianMei – Çin

Very scary…I sympathize with you my dear friends…I hope the earthquakes stop soon and I hope you are well and healthy as well as your loved ones…My deepest solidarity with my Turkish and Syrian friends.
Hule Hanusic – Avusturya

Dear friends, colleagues and neighbours,
We are all shocked from the tragedy of your country, our thoughts are with you and we are at your side for anything you may need.
I am sending you the cartoon I made the day of the earthquake.
Stay strong !
Michael Kountouris – Yunanistan

Alexander Dubovskyi – Ukrayna

Ali Ghanaat – İran

Pol Leurs From – Lüksemburg

Zhang Shao Xi – Çin
Huang Jia- Çin

Luka Lagator – Montenegro

Kürşat Zaman – Türkiye

Sun Baoxin – Çin
Dear Mr.Metin Peker,
The earthquake in Turkey shocked the world and caused serious disasters to the people of Turkey. We express our deep sympathy. I am organizing Chinese cartoonists to create earthquake cartoons. We pray and bless the people in the earthquake-stricken areas! May they rebuild their homes as soon as possible!
Chinese cartoonists create very fast. I have received more than 100 works, selected 60 of them, and sent them to you. You can use these works. Chinese cartoonists are still creating new cartoons in a few days. I will continue to send you the works of Chinese cartoonists.
The friendship between the Chinese people and the people of Türkiye is everlasting!
The Chinese people are with the people of Turkey.
Best regards!
Yours Sincerely
Ercan Baysal – Türkiye

Nuhsal Işın – Türkiye

Michal Graczyk – Polonya

My dear friend Metin Peker,
Please accept my cartoon about the earthquake. My sincere condolences to all those affected by this terrible tragedy.
Best regards,
Oleksiy Kustovsky – Ukrayna

Jugoslav Vlahovic – FECO Serbia

I am cartoonist Mo Qasem.
I’d like to share my cartoons with you.
Kind regards,
Mo Qasem – İrlanda

Dear cartoonist friends,
I am sending you my work as a sign of solidarity and empathy towards the Turkish people in this extremely difficult moment.
I wish you all the best, and I want to add: never again!
Nikola Ojdanic – Hırvatistan

Dear President Mr. Metin Peker, this is a cartoon I drew for the earthquake. Please check it, pray, and pray that all the gods in the sky will bless the children and parents in the earthquake for their health and family integrity. Dear President Mr. Metin Peker, mankind is a family, and Türkiye’s pain is also our pain. Please keep in touch, your friend Li Kui Jun – Çin

Yang Liangyi – Çin

Lan Bo – Çin

Tsocho Peev – Bulgaristan

Saeed Sadeghi – İran

Hello Metin. In response to your message about sending drawings about the misfortune of the earthquake in Turkey, I am sending you a cartoon for that purpose. I have also replied to you by email. Greetings
Manuel Arriaga – İspanya

Musa Keklik – Türkiye

Fadi ToOn – Norveç

Mümin Bayram – Türkiye

Dear Friends,

Pál Léphaft – Sırbistan

Merhaba sevgili Matin abi , Yaşanan büyük olaya çok üzüldüm ve Türk halkının kalbi titredi zaman banimde kalbim titredi, size ve Türk halkına başsağlığı diliyorum, size iki iş gönderiyorum ve başsağlığı diliyorum.
Farhad Gharamaleki – İran

Slobodan Butir – Hırvatistan

Wilber Chavarría Centeno – Nikaragua

Valery Momot – Ukrayna

Dear Mr Metin Peker,
I am in deep sadness to hear about the earthquake that affected Turkiye and Syria.
I would like to express my solidarity to all the people affected by this horrible catastrophe.
Please, find attached to this mail, a file corresponding to my work for contribution for your website.
Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any other request.
Daniel Sahade (DAS) – Japonya

Michel Moro Gomez – Küba

Ehsan Ganji – İran

Boris Erenburg – İsrail
Dear Colleague Metin,
Anon Anindito – Endonezya

Here I send you my work dedicated to the victims of the terrible earthquake in your great country Turkiye.
It is also dedicated to all people and rescuers, who are helping in the search and rescue of living people, they are all important.
Heartfelt condolences from my family and myself.
From Havana.
Reynerio Tamayo – Küba

I send my drawings. Please accept my condolences on this tragedy. Unfortunately, we started to live in a very troubled world…

Best regards,
Maya Tcholakova – Bulgaristan

Warm greetings from Romania!
Gelu Pascal – Romanya

Stay brave!
Many BEST wishes!
Ivailo Tsvetkov – Bulgaristan
Mojmir Mihatov – Hırvatistan
Fadi Abou Hassan – FadiToOn – Norveç
Georgijevski Miro – Makedonya
Silvano Mello – Brezilya
Merhaba arkadaşlar, merhaba Metin abi
Depremde hayatını kaybeden Türk halkına başsağlığı diliyorum. Yaşasın kardeş Türkiye halkı!
Galym Boranbaev – Kazakistan
Cristian Topan – Romanya
Dr. Smitha Bhandare Kamat – Hindistan
Elham Khalilil Mehr – İran
Lan Bao – Çin
Lao Piaozi – Çin
I have to be in solidarity with the Turkish people.
My condolences to dead people in the strongest earthquake.
Best wishes,
Ilya Katz – İsrail
Pray for the lives under the disaster, express condolences to the victims in the disaster, express condolences to the families of the victims and the injured, and sincerely wish the people of Türkiye and Syria to overcome the disaster as soon as possible and rebuild their beautiful homes.
Qi Jingyan – Çin
Li Ji Chuan – Çin
Yang Xiaobo – Çin
Dear Mr. Metin Peker, I received your @. After the earthquake, the Chinese media carried out a lot of reports every day. Every time I saw the children’s survival eyes under the cement bricks in the TV news, I felt very sad. Pray, pray for all the gods in heaven to bless these children and their parents to be rescued, and bless their health and family integrity. Dear Mr. Metin Peker, Human beings are a family before the earthquake, and Türkiye’s pain is also our pain.
Please keep in touch, your friend Li Kui Jun – Çin
Qu Zhou – Çin
I heard about the recent tragedy that happened in your country. This news shocked me.
Best regards
Hadis Moradzadeh – Portekiz
Alessandro Gatto – İtalya
Dear Metin,
I hope you and your loved ones are well.. A true catastrophy of course these earthquakes. We wish the Turkish and Syrian people all the help they can get. After all we are all humans on the same planet, let’s stick together.
I send you my contribution for your online contribution. I needed I will upload it myself a second time on the site but I don’t know how it will work.
Keep strong Metin, the Turkish people will overcome this disaster together.
Friendly greetings,
Norbert van Yperzeele – Belçika
Peter Radacina – Kanada
I am sending you two drawings on this sad theme, along with all my sympathy and best wishes.
With friendship,
Constantine Pavel – Romanya
Canım arkadaşım Metin Peker
Türkiye’de son depremlerde mağdur olan tüm kardeşlerimize Allah’tan rahmet diliyorum. Allah’ın izniyle işler düzelecek. Piyadenin çok büyük olduğunu biliyorum ama bizim tesellimiz, bunun Tanrı’nın iradesi ve kaderi olmasıdır.
Wesam Khalil – Mısır
Yu Shixin – Çin
Feng Huo – Çin
Dear Metin Peker
I received your letter. I’m Qi Jingyan, a Chinese cartoonist.
I am deeply saddened by the earthquake in Türkiye and Syria. As an old friend of Türkiye, I am always watching the disaster. At present, Chinese government have voiced to support. And the rescue team of 82 Chinese people, 20 tons of supplies and 40 million yuan of donations have arrived in Türkiye at the first time, and carrying out active and effective rescue activities!
The cartoons of Chinese cartoonists can’t be absent!
Türkiye and Syria do not cry. We are united to overcome difficulties and build our homeland. come on.
I am also the webmaster of Qifanfu International Mansai Information Network. I will publish my cartoon works on the website for the first time, and call on Chinese cartoonists to contribute to the earthquake in Türkiye and Syria.
Pray for the lives under the disaster, express condolences to the victims in the disaster, express condolences to the families of the victims and the injured, and sincerely wish the people of Türkiye and Syria to overcome the disaster as soon as possible and rebuild their beautiful homes.
Qi Jingyan – Çin
Guo Yı Huı – Çin
Dear colleagues (Mr.Metin Peker),
The earthquake in Turkey shocked the world and caused serious disasters to the people of Turkey. We express our deep sympathy. I am organizing Chinese cartoonists to create earthquake cartoons. We pray and bless the people in the earthquake-stricken areas! May they rebuild their homes as soon as possible!
The Chinese people are with the people of Turkey.
Best regards!
Yours Sincerely
Cheng Zhu – Çin
Dear My friend Metin Peker
I hope you are well.
You will receive two more cartoons.
Best Regards
Saeed Sadeghi – İran
Javad Alizadeh – İran
Dear friends and fellow cartoonist. Every day we watch on television the strong images and news caused by the earthquake that stroke your country.
In this difficult time, we are close to you all emotionally and mentally, praying that you find the strength to face the immense human grie
On behalf of myself and all the Albanian cartoonists, we express our deep sorrow and condolences to you all for tragic the human loss, believing in the strength of the great and brotherly Turkish people.
You will overcome this major misfortune!
Warm hugs,
Arben Meksi -Arnavutluk
Dear friend , Metin, I m so sorry for your people ! I send you my cartoon . All the best for you,
Darko Drljevic – Montenegro
Dearest friend,Metin Peker..
I hope you are well and safe from the earthquake.
My deepest condolences to all residents of Turkey.You arrn’t in pain alone.It’s really broke our hearts too.
May God refund this country especially those who lost their loved ones. I put you in my prayers.
Get love from Indonesia.
Anon Anindito – Endonezya
I send you my greatest solidarity from Abruzzo where unfortunately we know well earthquakes.
I hope you and your loved ones are well!
Dear Metin Peker,
the terrible disaster that hit Turkey pains me very much. The staggering number of casualties and the extremely extensive damage have deeply affected us all.
I visited Adana a few years ago for the Cukurova Cartoon Festival… Now I think sadly of that wounded region and I’m close to the cities and the turkish people.
I hope no relatives or friends of yours were involved.
I gladly contribute with two cartoons made in these days.
Best wishes to you and to all my Turkish cartoonist friends.
Warm regards from Italy
Marco De Angelis – İtalya
Dear Metin Peker
We are scared and upset here in Brazil. This is the worst earthquake that has happened in recent years, as I remember another one in 1999. But we are supportive and attentive. We wish strength, health and hope for more people to survive in Turkey and Syria. And may this never happen again. Attached is a drawing I made today.
All the best to you, your family and cartoonist friends.
Cau Gomez – Brezilya
Javad Takjoo – İran
Dear Metin,
Dear friends and fellow cartoonist. Every day we watch on television the strong images and news caused by the earthquake that stroke your country.
In this difficult time, we are close to you all emotionally and mentally, praying that you find the strength to face the immense human grie
On behalf of myself and all the Albanian cartoonists, we express our deep sorrow and condolences to you all for tragic the human loss, believing in the strength of the great and brotherly Turkish people.
You will overcome this major misfortune!
Warm hugs,
Arben Meksi – Arnavutluk
Hi ,dear Metin,
The news of the earthquake in Turkey made me very sad, I express my sympathy to the people of Turkey, to all my artist friends there, I hope that the conditions will be favorable soon.
I proudly sent my works to you, I hope I have helped a little in this situation.
Best regards,
Alireza Pakdel – İran

Kürşat Zaman – Türkiye

Solidaire amitié
Jean Loic Belom – Fransa

Igor Smirnov – Rusya
Alexsandr Zudin – Rusya
Dear cartoonists of the Association,
accept my condolences in connection with earthquakes.
Pass the words of support to the families of victims.
I wish all those injured from the disaster speedy recuperation.
Marina Gorelova – Moldova
Hello Metin.
My most sincere thoughts for all lives. I send you my work.
A hug.
Omar Perez – İtalya
Will be fine ! Your romanian Friend,
Marian Avramescu – Romanya
Angel Boligan Corbo – Küba
Dear Metin,
It’s terrible what happened in Turkey. Here’s my today’s drawing, published in the French newspaper called Le Journal du Dimanche.
Take care,
Constantin Sunnerberg (Cost.) – Belçika
Dear Metin Peker sorry for your terrible situation with the earthquake this is one of my image for the initiative.
All my support and wishes with the Turkey people
All the best
Brady – Küba

Dear Mr.
Metin Peker I sent you some cartoons for turkey Earthquake we very sad for Earthquake on turkey . Turkish people are our brothers and sisters, please accept my condolences.
Mohsen Najafi – İran

Dear Metin Peker
Please accept my sincere condolences. (((
Best regards,
Serhii Fedko – Ukrayna

Thiago Lucas – Brezilya

Mihail Larichev – Rusya

Dear members of the Association of Caricaturists, Dear President Metin Peker
I am sending two cartoons for your project on the catastrophic earthquake that hit Turkey. I sympathize with all the victims.
Damir Novak – Hırvatistan

Ratko Maricic – Hırvatistan